What Are The Different Types Of Testing For Covid-19?
Rapid Antigen Testing
Rapid antigen test is a diagnostic point-of-care nasopharyngeal swab test that shows the presence or absence of COVID antigen in the body. It takes 30 min to test. The test is designed to detect a specific protein in the virus that stimulates the immune response in the body.
PCR Swab Test
PCR swab tests are used to immediately screen for the detection of viral RNA. It will be detectable in the body before antibodies generate or symptoms of the disease are present. It implies that the tests can tell whether or not someone has the virus early on in their illness.
Antibody Test
This test analyses for antibodies to COVID-19. If you have been suffering from COVID-19 or vaccinated, your body creates antibodies as part of your immune response. The test offers a numerical value that shows whether or not you may have antibodies to COVID-19.
If you are looking to have Day 2 & 8 International Arrival Test or any other test for COVID-19, you can reach us at Claret Diagnostics. We provide different types of testing for Coronavirus with greater accuracy.
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